Thursday, November 4, 2010

Link Dump

Trying not to work on anything too important while I quit smoking because I feel like I would break it, so instead of progress on anything I'll just keep posting links that I think are cool.

Game Gun
This guy built a low budget, badass VR Gaming gun that actually works using a gyroscopic mouse ( I think?). I'm gonna see what all goes into this and might be building one for myself, wouldn't cost much more than 100 bucks.

Fifth Element Opera
Not typically something I would post on here but it brought back a lot of memories. This lovely lady sings the Blue Diva's opera from the Fifth Element without any kind of vocal enhancement. Pretty radical.
Also this if you're in the mood for more opera after that last link. Natalie Dessay is my favorite Queen of the Night.

No Sleep
The "no sleep" section of Reddit ensures that I in fact get no fucking sleep. There's a lot of bullshit on this but it's all in good fun.

Blind Squirrel Props
Prop builder, very interesting and inspiring stuff.

And as always Your Uncle's Lap me and my friends podcast where we talk about anything and everything. On this weeks episode we interview a late bloomer who lost his virginity to a MILF on Halloween.
We broadcast live every Thursday at 10 p.m. central here
And if you miss the live broadcast you can always d/l or stream the episodes from our website or iTunes.

And if you're a fan of the show don't forget to subscribe!


  1. Keep it up with the quitting of the smoking. It's a good thing to do.

    lol lost virginity to a MILF? Good way to go, i guess...

  2. ahhh shit that game gun looks totally fresh, too bad i am sure there are quite a few gamers that wouldnt be able to stay off the couch for more than 5 min
